Community Development Block Grant-Infrastructure
- In 2013, the North Carolina General Assembly allocated Community Development Block Grant funds to the Infrastructure program and transferred funds to the Division of Water Infrastructure to administer.
- The purpose of these funds is to construct public water and sewer infrastructure to mitigate public and environmental health problems in areas where the percentage of low to moderate income persons is at least 51 percent.
- Community Development Block Grants for other for other types of projects are available through the North Carolina Department of Commerce.
Types of Funding Available
- Grants
Eligible Applicants
- Non-entitlement units of General Local Government, excluding water/sewer districts and other single purpose government units
Eligible Projects
- Drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects in areas that meet the HUD Low and Moderate income (LMI) threshold.
Key Program Requirements
- Maximum award is $3 million over a 3-year period- the three year-period begins at SWIA award date.
- Local governments may submit multiple applications but will only be awarded funding for one project in each funding round.
- The CDBG-Infrastructure Program typically has one funding cycle per year, typically in September; however, if additional application intake is needed to obligate funding, an announcement will be made via our website in the News section of this website.
- Refer to Funding Program Application Information Page for detailed information on application deadlines and requirements.
- Proposed Priority Rating System for Fall 2025 CDBG-I Applications - for public comment (February 2025)
Additional Information
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